Symposia submission

Symposia submissions is closed!

All topics related to epidemiology and register-based research are welcome.

Deadline for submissions is extended until Sunday, February 11th 2024

We are welcoming proposals for symposia to be presented at the NordicEpi 2024. Symposia should be focused on a central theme and are organized by one or two chairs who also moderate the session. The recommended format is four to six talks. Talk time and Q&A time can be scheduled within the 90 minute session according to the organizers’ discretion (e.g., after individual talks, concentrated at the end of a session, or a mixture of the two approaches). Other formats will be considered, but proposals for other formats should include a clear rationale. Symposia often benefit from a diversity of perspectives and institutional affiliations. Proposals from young investigators are encouraged.

The Program Committee evaluates symposium submissions based on:

  • scientific merit
  • theoretical and/or methodological innovation
  • breadth and appeal to a substantial number of NordicEpi attendees
  • timeliness
  • diversity of the speakers

Symposia should reflect work that is well advanced and is presented in an integrated way. Work that is just beginning will not ordinarily be approved for symposium presentations, nor will a series of individual data presentations that do not provide an integrated view of advanced work. Presentations not reaching this level may be reclassified as oral presentations or posters (which may be scheduled together if they cover similar content).

As the symposium organizer, you must have prior approval from your presenters that they consent to participate in this symposium (and no other symposium due to potential scheduling conflicts), and to register and attend NordicEpi 2024 in person to present their talk. Online talks will only be accepted exceptionally (please explain rationale in the full symposia description, if an online presentation is included).

If the symposia is not accepted for the conference, the abstracts included in symposia submissions will be considered as independent communications for oral or poster presentation.

Mandatory text fields for symposia submissions

  • Name, title, affiliation, email of symposium organizer(s)/chair(s)
  • Title of symposium
  • List of presenting authors and their affiliations
  • Brief description of the symposium (max 150 words)
  • Full description of the symposium, incl. structure (i.e. time allocated to each speaker, discussion etc. Max 500 words)
  • Structured abstract for each presentation included in the symposia (max 250 words, mandatory structure – Background/ Methods/ Results/ Conclusion)
  • Keywords